
Friday, May 11, 2012

Foto Friday--Tumbling

Difficult shooting conditions:  low-light auditorium with speedy subjects on stage.  Most of my shots turned out like this:  Blurry Lily.
 Or like this:  missed action.  Lily is in the center in the air.  Can you tell?
But I did get a couple of really good ones.

 These last two are my favorites.
Lily is in the center, in case you can't recognize her.
One recital down, a few more end-of-the-school-year activities to go.

Happy Mother's Day weekend, y'all.  


  1. wow! these pictures are great! and i love your new layout over here :)

  2. oops! i just realized this is not your regular blog. i followed the link from my feejit. sorry!
